Novato, CA Female
Birthday: August 27
Novato, CA
August 27
School / Work Affiliation
Novato High School
About Me
I enjoy teaching technology courses at Novato High School. I teach Multimedia and Video Production courses that help students develop their creativity, while improving their technology and interpersonal skills. I feel strongly that adaptability and innovative is a must for the next generation so I have worked to develop these technology courses for Novato High School students. I wrote the curriculum for the Multimedia I, II & III and the Introduction, Advanced Video Production & Video 3 courses for the Novato Unified School District. I have also authored multiple federal funding proposals to insure these classes have the current software and equipment. To stay current with the developments in the area of education technology I have been certified in classroom networking and taken training in digital video editing, and certification in the new Adobe Digital School web collaborative software. I enjoy the subjects I teach and I am delighted to have the opportunity to work with the Novato High School students who take my courses. I live in Sonoma with my husband of 23 years, Jon Boehlke. We have two sons, Zane and Blake and while not teaching I enjoy helping them succeed in high school and college. My husband is a technology systems administrator for Sonoma State University Schulz Information Center and we share a lot of interest in technology. Currently we enjoy creating digital video projects of our sons playing baseball. I especially enjoy hiking and biking with my husband in the beautiful Sonoma Valley. I am learning to cook Mediterranean style food and have started to cultivate a small garden to enhance this new talent. I read and study a great deal mostly to stay current with technology and to research for a futuristic novel I have been working on. A personal goal is to snorkel in as many areas of the world as possible; I figure that is something I will still be able to do when I get older.