Plymouth, IN Male
Birthday: October 30
Plymouth, IN
October 30
School / Work Affiliation
Heart and Hands, Inc.
Favored IM Account
yahoo: dwlloyd810
Skype, Twitter, or Other Accounts
Skype: david.lloyd810,
About Me
At the time I set up this account, I was an A+ student in a masters program learning to develop online training. However, a few months later, a car hit me while I was bicycling for exercise, and I flunked the last class of the program twice, before I realized I would have to put my goals on hold, and learn how to work with a new set of strengths and weaknesses. I'm blogging about my experience at I'm still interested in developing online courses, but by focus is currently on learning strategies to accommodate loss of event memory, loss of executive skills (the ability to break down goals into component objectives and to stay on-track long enough to do something useful with them), and extreme mental fatigue, which I have recently learned may be directly associated with brain temperature and inflammation. I am literally using cold sinus rinses and popsicles to help me focus! Two years after the accident, I'm beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel. It make take another five years to get productive, but I expect to be back, focused on the educational challenges related to brain injury.