Birthday: March 14
March 14
School / Work Affiliation
CY O'Connor Institute
Skype, Twitter, or Other Accounts
Twitter: @JoHart
About Me
Originally from the UK now living in the place of my dreams - 25 acres partly bush in rural Western Australia. I have a background in science, equine studies (including teaching horse riding) and in the transferrable/employability skills. Currently on secondment to our Department of Training and Workforce Development where I have been developing online courses and am now temporarily replacing one of the Adult Literacy Consultants for 3 months. I am normally a lecturer in Literacy and Numeracy in the public Vocational Education and Training sector (TAFE). Most recently from 2009 to 2012 I was delivering three Certificate levels (I, II and III) of the Certificates in General Education for Adults (CGEA) entirely online to regional students that couldn't attend on-campus for whatever reason. I used an e-blend including virtual classroom (Elluminate/BlackboardCollaborate), Learning Management System and a variety of Web2.0 tool, ie any e-tactic that was appropriate. My students are always very varied: culturally & linguistically diverse mature age adults; people with intellectual disabilities; "Youth at (educational) Risk". When I do teach a face to face class I have five literacy levels, this combined with the human diversity of my learners makes e-solutions almost essential for me in class as well as online. I love to learn myself and have a passion for opening these same doors for learners. I enjoy exploring “e-stuff” immensely and see this as an essential addition to my “toolbox” for engaging and motivating learners. I am one of the facilitators for the West Australian Adult Literacy and Numeracy Network that operates mainly through GoogleGroups/Docs with an online newsletter through a blog. I am also currently a Foundation Skills "Champion" for my state helping to raise the profile of literacy/numeracy support availability. This year I am also a finalist in the Australian National Training Awards as a Literacy and Numeracy Lecture. I have also been involved in delivering Professional Development for colleagues and in developing, gaining funding for, and facilitating/managing e-learning projects. I can usually be found in the Edublogs BlackboardCollaborate room on Thursdays at GMT 23:00 facilitating sessions on many e-topics of interest to educators.