Toronto Female
February 13
School / Work Affiliation
Atlantic University
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About Me
Dr. Nellie Deutsch is leader and mentor to teachers worldwide. She’s a moderator, researcher, writer, speaker, English language teacher (EFL), faculty at Atlantic University Masters of Arts in Transpersonal and leadership studies, leads online and face-to-face conferences, and an online teacher at WizIQ. Nellie is a Reiki practitioner and relationship-based consultant. Nellie provides consultation on Moodle (course and learning management system) and WizIQ. Nellie is the founder of IT4ALL community of educators, Connecting Online and MoodleMoot virtual conferences. She’s on the steering committee of TESOL CALL-IS and the program coordinator at WAOE (World Association of Online Education). Nellie has been teaching English to speakers of other languages (EFL) since the mid 70s. She has been integrating technology (computer assisted language learning or CALL) into her classes since the mid 90s. Dr. Deutsch earned her doctorate in education and educational leadership with a specialization in curriculum and instruction from the University of Phoenix online with 3 face-to-face residencies in Atlanta, Georgia and Arlington, Virginia. Her dissertation research (available on ProQuest, Amazon) focused on instructor experiences with implementing technology in blended learning courses in higher education around the world. Dr. Deutsch is internationally known as a transformative leader, community builder, an expert in educational technology, coordinator of online professional development courses, and mentor to educators worldwide. Dr. Deutsch is the founder of Integrating Technology for Active Lifelong Learning (IT4ALL), an online informal network that provides free and low-cost professional development workshops for educators around the world. Dr. Deutsch is also founder and current coordinator of the annual Connecting Online (CO09-CO13) for Instruction and Learning and Moodlemoot (MMVC11- MMVC13) free online conferences supported by WizIQ education online. Dr. Deutsch has provided consultation and face-to-face and online workshops on how to integrate Moodle, WizIQ, and other learning environments for fully online and blended learning environments at conferences, universities and other organizations. She has organized the first Moodle MOOC in the world in June 2013. She worked as a consultant for Open University of Israel and, the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Atlantic University, and Otago Polytechnic (New Zealand) in designing and facilitating online workshops on how to create Open Education Resources on the use Mediawiki, and on Moodle for teachers (M4T) and Moodle for teacher administrators (M4TA). Dr. Deutsch follows a relationship-based collaborative active learning approach to instruction and learning. Her experiential humanitarian approach to instruction and learning has earned her the respect of educators around the globe and attracted her to healthy living and healing. She's an accredited PAIRS (Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills), conflict resolution, and Reiki practitioner. She practices and teaches Mindfulness Meditation and the Alexander Technique. Dr. Deutsch has written book chapters on the use of technology and research (Cases in Online Interviews and Education for a Digital World 2.0: Innovations in Education (edition 2) published by the BC Ministry of Education and OpenSchool BC in July 2011) and has peer-reviewed articles, proposals for conferences, and books on technology enhanced learning. She also edits books on Moodle. She reviews proposals for the International Leadership Association (ILA), TESOL conferences, EdMedia, Immersive Education (iED), World Association for Online Education (WAOE), and other organizations. Dr. Deutsch volunteers a great deal of her time to mentoring teachers on how to improve instruction and learning. She mentors educators on how to integrate technology into blended, the flipped class, and fully online programs. She is on the steering committee for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Computer Assisted Language Learning Interest Section (CALL-IS). She is also on the board of directors for the World Association for Online Education (WAOE) as the program coordinator. She promotes free online education worldwide by providing free professional development courses to educators in Africa and underdeveloped countries. Dr. Deutsch facilitated courses on Wikieducator to promote free Open Education Resources (OER). She was the first appointed officer, secretary and an elected member of the steering committee on Wikieducator until 2009. She is still involved in Wikieducator with Dr. Ramesh Sharma in nominating the User Page Expo (UPE) of the month. Dr. Deutsch has presented on technology enhanced learning and educational leadership at conferences in the United States and virtually around the world. Nellie organized and chaired a panel discussion on the merits and challenges of integrating technology into the classroom at the International Leadership Association (ILA) in London, in 2011. She also participated in a panel discussion on cultural diversity in the English classroom and how Moodle can be used for intercultural projects at TESOL 2012. Nellie also facilitated Moodle for Teachers (M4T) workshops at the TESOL 2011 in New Orleans and at TESOL 2012 in Philadelphia, at TESOL 2013 in Dallas, at EdMedia in Denver, 2012 and at the EdMedia conference in Victoria in 2013. In fact, Nellie was an invited guest at the annual leadership convention at Atlantic University at the Edgar Cayce Association for Research and Enlightenment in the fall of 2012. She conducted workshops on mindfulness practice, authenticity and leadership, and gave a guided meditation practice on mindfulness. Dr. Deutsch presents and conducts workshops on Moodle and WizIQ both online and around the globe. She gave a 4-day teacher training workshop on Moodle & WizIQ at Stael Ruffinelli de Ortiz English Institute and presented at uniNorte university in Paraguay on how to teach online using WizIQ in August 2013. Dr. Deutsch is available for consultation and to conduct professional development workshops at your organization.