RSCON4 Presenter and Moderator Room Links


This page is ONLY for presenters and volunteer moderators, as the links below are the moderator links for the conference session rooms. Please do not share or link to this page.


The "conference lounge" is the Blackboard Collaborate room which will be open during the whole conference, and where volunteers will report to get assignments for sessions, and where presenters can visit to get any help that they need at any time during the conference. The conference lounge is entered by clicking (or if that link doesn't work for you, paste the following into your browser:

We recommend that volunteer moderators actually keep both the conference lounge room and any room in which they are moderating both open at the same time.

(try ctrl-F if you are having trouble finding a session)

Sevim Açıkgöz LINK How to make the most out of Twitter and Facebook in classrooms
Anita Adnan LINK Using Skype to connect international teachers to learners in Malaysia
Faisal Ibrahim Kasim Al Shamali and Hermine Grigoryan LINK Ice Breakers and Warm Ups for All Ages
Elizabeth Anne LINK Teaching English to Scientists. The best of all worlds
Carla Arena LINK Digital Metamorphosis Based on Sir Ken Robinson´s Three Flourishing Principles
Maizie Avihayil LINK If I Can Do It So Can You
Rosemere Bard LINK Virtual Exchange Projects: Motivating teens to communicate
Derek Barkalow LINK Student-generated apps, animations, & infographics – can they lead to higher levels of understanding?
Mark Barnes LINK Keynote
Tara Benwell LINK Be A Newscaster
Michael Berry LINK Shadowing Students as an Effective Observation Strategy for School-wide Leadership and Change
Janet Bianchini LINK Visually Inspire Your Students!
Fiona Birkin LINK SEL in our schools
Arjana Blazic LINK Lifelong Learning in the Learning Lab
Lucia Bodeman LINK What is this 'new' writing? Shedding light on Multimodality
Fred Boss LINK Educating Myself with Twitter
Maria Bossa LINK ARGENTEGYPT- An Online Collaboration Project
Jeffrey Bradbury LINK Podcasting and Broadcasting in your Classroom with TeacherCast
Barbara Bujtás LINK Magic Tricks in EFL with Young Learners
Martin Burrett LINK Online collaboration to improve teaching and learning
Valerie R. Burton LINK Publish your ePortfolio using Weebly
Eva Buyuksimkesyan LINK Surfing safe on the net
Fabiana Laura Casella LINK Integrating the Four Skills and Tech tools in the English Classroom: Get your students to read, write, listen and SPEAK
Holly Clark LINK The Power of Crowdsourcing
Mary Collins LINK Transdisciplinary learning: the need for collaboration
Marisa Constantinides LINK Autonomous Professional Development Begins at Home
Marisa Constantinides LINK The Teacher as Scaffold Builder
Dan Curcio LINK Armed with Empathy: Creating a Classroom Climate for Collaboration
Evridiki DAKOS LINK Guided Discovery Learning in ELT CLasses
Rafranz Davis LINK Leveraging Mobile Devices to Develop Autonomy in Reluctant Learners
Elvira Deyamport LINK The Greatest Stories Never Told: Showcasing Learning Thorugh Social Media and Web Tools
Dina Dobrou LINK New Kids on the Blog
David Dodgson LINK ELT Sandbox – Promoting language learning through gaming
German Doin LINK Keynote
Jake Duncan LINK Gamification on a Shoestring
Everyone LINK Closing Ceremony
Noel Feria LINK 10+ Techniques for Empowering Students to Becoming Globally Connected Educators and Content Creators
Lana Fleiszig LINK Learning Math through inquiry and deepening Mathematical thinking
Terry Freedman LINK Ensuring that an educational technology project succeeds
Mallory Fundora LINK Keynote
Naomi Ganin-Epstein LINK Homework – A Powerful Tool for Individualizing Learning for Struggling Teen and Adult Learners.
Jackie Gerstein LINK Educators as Social Networked Learners
Laura Gilchrist LINK Workshop Model: Getting kids to 'talk back' to any text and enjoy (not fear) reading.
Laura Gilchrist LINK Dry Erase Surfaces in the classroom: Uncap creativity, expression, and enthusiasm for learning
Alfonso Gonzalez LINK Gamifying Your Class
Michael Graffin LINK Working in the Global Classroom - A Teacher’s Journey
Akevy Greenblatt LINK Flipping classroom roles
Nataša Božić Grojić LINK Give Them Homework They Will Love
Diana Gross LINK Global Education for All: The Effect of Mobile TechEd on Learners in Developing Countries
James Gubbins LINK Urban Legends Through Digital Storytelling
Sylvia Guinan LINK How to turn your learning management system into an online playground
Kieran Dhunna Halliwell LINK Culture Chat: Teacher as a resource
Jo Hart LINK Extraordinary Learning For A Digital Age (ELFADA)
Nicky Hockly LINK Future present
Sara Hunter LINK Cultivating Curiosity: STEM in the Elementary Classroom
Pravita Indriati LINK Developing Creative Thinking Ability in EYL: Based On an Inquiry Lesson for Nursery 1 Level in MindChamps PreSchool
Gareth Jacobson LINK Developing learner-centred inquiry & thinking - "The what, how and why"
Nina Jerončič LINK I speak meme!
Joquetta Johnson LINK Voracious Vocabulary
Gwyneth Jones LINK Secrets of the Remix Mash-up Generation
Tosca Killoran LINK Taking Action to make Changes in and to the World
Denise Krebs LINK The World Needs Your Contribution--Really! How my PLN Changed Everything
Suneeta Kulkarni LINK The Granny Cloud
Mats Larsnäs LINK The Wall - 8 meters Augmented reality in a school hallway
Chris Lehmann LINK Keynote
Cecilia Lemos LINK I am NOT just a teacher. A new mantra.
Jason R. Levine LINK Call and Response Tunes to Practice Verb Tenses
Tamas Lorincz LINK Mentoring is not just for novices
Jenny Luca LINK Project Based Learning - giving it a go in the English Classroom
Mia MacMeekin LINK The Power of Educational Infographics
Angela Maiers & Mark Moran LINK Keynote
Jen Marten LINK Six Degrees of Separation: Using Our Connections to Improve Global Learning
Maggie Maslowski LINK This I Believe Narratives (with Technology component)
Miguel Mendoza LINK Disability and diversity: are teachers up for social change outside the classroom?
Anne Mirtschin LINK The Changing Space (Face) of Education
Sugata Mitra LINK The Future of Learning
Mostofa Mohiuddin LINK English through and for ICT: using technology to improve English proficiency in rural Bangladesh
Paula Naugle LINK Mystery Location Calls via Skype or Google Hangout
Paula Naugle LINK 10 Sites I Can't Live Without in My Innovative Math Class
Flipped Class & PBL LINK Flipped Class & PBL
Todd Nesloney LINK Connecting You AND Your Classroom Globally
Todd Nesloney LINK Transforming Education with Augmented Reality
Bernd Nurnberger LINK Everyday Sustainability - Examples of Home Technology Choices for Empowering Students to Assess Value for Their Own Use
Panel LINK Transforming Education with Technology
Panel LINK Leading and Inspiring Teachers
Panel LINK Rethinking The Way We Learn
Rafael Parente LINK Keynote
Sam Patterson LINK How to use Puppets to Promote How to use Puppets to Promote Student Learning Student Learning
Luis Perez LINK nABLEing All Learners: Mobile Devices as Transformational Technology
Cherry Mathew Philipose LINK Doing Research in a Networked World
Heike Philp LINK CAMELOT and the Mists of AVALON
Ratnavathy Ragunathan LINK The Magic of Games : "D'Amazing Race" Project
Meenoo Rami LINK Literacy in connected world
David Read LINK Digital Exit Strategies - Using Technology to Check Student Learning
Pernille Ripp LINK Passionate Learners - Giving Our Classroom Back to Our Students Starting Today
Edna Sackson LINK Direct Your Own Learning
Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto LINK The Iceberg and the Whale: Wow Moments in Teacher Growth
Jon Samuelson LINK Getting Out Of The Way - Students Take Charge Of Their Learning
Chuck Sandy LINK Keynote
Malu Sciamarelli LINK The Kindness Project
Tyson Seburn LINK Not your old school academic writing assignment
Leo LINK What adult language learners can learn from children
Tia Simmons LINK Picture Perfect Apps
Tia Simmons LINK Curating Content in the 21st Century
Adam Simpson LINK I’m an EAP teacher… but who am I?
Heidi Siwak LINK Facilitating Inquiry
Marijana Smolčec LINK Student-Teacher-Facebook, Yes or No?
André J. Spang LINK Mobile learning scenarios with tablets, social media and OER @ a Highschool in Cologne, Germany
John T. Spencer LINK Keynote
Graham Stanley LINK Remote teaching, distance learning, team teaching or blended learning?
Vance Stevens LINK From teacher networked learning to transformation in your classroom
Josh Stumpenhorst LINK Keynote
James Taylor LINK Making The Most of Reading
Kelly Tenkely LINK Connections Through Inquiry
Salome Thomas-EL LINK The Immortality of Influence: Believing Every Child Can Achieve Their Dreams
David Truss LINK Shifting Learning
Sonya Van Schaijik LINK Around the World in Nearly 80 Days
ANNA VARNA LINK Language Learning in 29 languages – a lifetime adventure
Jennifer Verschoor LINK Jazz up your classes with technology
José Luis Vilson LINK Keynote
Revathi Viswanathan LINK Individualized Instruction for Enhancing Work Efficiency
Waters LINK Putting the Pieces Together Through Digital Curation
David Wees LINK Programming in Math Class
Chris Wejr LINK Educational Leadership: Creating the Conditions for Passion and Innovation
Steve Wheeler LINK Keynote
Ika Sari L Wibowo LINK Online Learning- Encouraging learners of English to connect and to learn English Actively
Tim Wilhelmus LINK Building Playgrounds
Dr. LINK If you build it. they will come: Flipping Professional Development
Meg Wilson LINK iAuthor a Global iBook on the iPad
Michelle Worgan LINK Creativity with Kids - Using Online Tools
Joan Young LINK Facilitating “Wow” Learning through Humor, Novelty, Awe, and Fascination
Gallit Zvi LINK Genius Hour